COVID-19 Response Reporting

Daily and cumulative data on Massachusetts COVID-19 cases and testing, and weekly data on confirmed cases by city/town and residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine.

Table of Contents

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts as of May 18, 2020  
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 87,052

COVID-19 case overview data

Update daily by 4 p.m.

The COVID-19 Dashboard includes daily and cumulative confirmed cases; cases by hospital, county, and age/sex/ethnicity; testing by date; deaths; hospital capacity and census; nursing home data; and PPE distribution.

Regarding today’s dashboard:

The number of cases currently in the ICU can now be found on Page 8.

The % of all cases currently hospitalized number can be calculated by dividing the number currently hospitalized on page 8 by the total number of cases on page 1.

Special note, 5/18: The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has taken several steps to expand reporting as this pandemic has evolved and increase access and capacity for testing statewide.  The Commonwealth will also submit a plan by May 24th to the federal government to further increase testing capacity of up to 45,000 tests per day by the end of July and 75,000 by December.  The testing criteria has been broadened to allow for more individuals to have access to testing for COVID-19.  Today, the Department will start releasing daily data charts that will sort the number of new COVID-19 cases and the number of new COVID-19 tests by the date of test, instead of by the date these metrics were reported to the Department. DPH believes it is more precise and useful to present this data by how many people are getting tested each day and of those, how many tests are positive (making the person a case of COVID-19). Moving into the next phase of the pandemic, the re-opening phase, this format provides a more standardized way to compare both daily counts of tests and cases. 

Raw data used to create the dashboard is available here: COVID-19 Raw Data - May 18, 2020

Previous daily charts are available here: Archive of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

COVID-19 cases by city/town

Reported weekly. Updated each Wednesday by 4 p.m.

This report details the count and rate (per 100,000) of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts by city/town.

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine

Reported weekly. Updated each Wednesday by 12 p.m.

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine by current status as of May 12, 2020*  
Total of individuals subject to quarantine 48,372
Total of individuals who have completed monitoring (no longer in quarantine) 27,812
Total of individuals currently undergoing monitoring/under quarantine 20,560

*Data are accurate as of 5/12/2020 at 5 p.m.

Learn more about quarantine or self-monitoring.
